Friday 28 March 2008


At the weekend someone made us some T-shirts with the acronym “Christians Ready And Praying” on them. Part of this was as a joke “what do you mean there is a rude word on my t-shirt??” and part of it made me think.

It made me think that I should not have a t-shirt that says I am ready to pray if I am not.

It made me consider wether I do believe prayer to be the answer in all situations.

It also made me think of the situations when I am likely to swear. “Crap” is not a word I would generally use, but I have been know to say “Poo” under my breath when the car stalls in a tricky spot.

If CRAP is my way of life, then I should be ready to pray in the crap situations in life.

At the times something winds me up, CRAP reminds me that the fruit of the Spirit is peace.

When I am stressed, CRAP reminds me that the fruit of the Spirit is patience.

When I need the answer to something, CRAP reminds me that God knows, and also know wether I really do need to know or not.

When I am sick, CRAP reminds me Jesus is our Healer.

When I am worried, CRAP reminds me Jesus is in charge of all our lives and knows the end of the story.

When I am annoyed and ready to swear or thump someone, CRAP reminds me to stop and behave in a more Christ-like manner.

When it seems like the devil is having a laugh and situations smack you in the mouth, CRAP reminds me of the victory that Jesus has won.

All this probably sounds unrealistically holy- floating through with a “Ready-Brek” glow surrounding you, and praising the Lord when you knock your toe on a piece of gravel.

I'm not trying to be a super-saint ... what I am trying to say is that we need to practice being aware of God in our every day lives. Then the first thought that comes to mind probably won't be **** but “Lord Jesus, I need you”

Tuesday 18 March 2008

Non conforming non conformist

This church could be described as “non-conformist”. We are not traditional and things like “Jesus Army” make us stand out from the main stream have provoked a lot of opinion/rejection from other churches.

This church is also non-conformist to the standards of the world we live in. Covenant, Loyalty, Community, Simplicity, Celibacy, Godly Marriage. All these things are opposite to the lack of commitment, the consumerism, the greed, the loose morals around us.

I love opposing the standards of the world. I am a non-conformist. I love it when the standards I live to are baffling to the people I talk to. I love it when something comes up that proves to me how different we are.

But within that I do not go blindly along with the flow. I am not a “brain-washed clone”. I know what I believe and I answer to God for my choices. I feel I have been called by God to this church 'cos this is the people I can see are honestly trying to live out what Jesus said. If this church was to lose the plot, then I would not be obliged to stay.

I think we have to be very careful not to adopt a “corporate conscience”. To behave like animals in a herd or a pack and not consider our individual actions.

True, we need to be obedient to leaders and pay attention to the prophetic word. When there are activities that ask for our support it is good to give support.

Also, God more often speaks to us through people around us than by bolts of lightening, so we do need to listen to advice and consider “the witness of the brethren”

Opinions and attitudes and defending our own corner does not build the body of Christ. There is a right measure of putting our self aside for the common good. You might call it “taking up your cross” or “dying to yourself” or “the thorn in your flesh”.

BUT if we don't know what we think, if we don't stop to check our own spirit or conscience then we are on thin ice.

Firstly, if you have made commitments or choices based on what everyone else was doing at the time you will at some point struggle in those choices and without a firm foundation will flounder. It is knowing that God has called me that has kept me strong. As some people say “I know that I know that I know”.

The other thing is... and this has probably been said by opponents of the church... when a large group move in corporate conscience all sorts of crazy things start to happen 'cos people stop asking questions. That's how come you get suicide cults, that's how come atrocities happen. Of course I don't think this church is in danger of such things happening, but I hope you get what I mean.

The golden rule of course is always to check “How does this measure up to what I read in the Bible?” and “How does this match with what I already know about God?”

If we are familiar with what is in the Bible, and if we are in touch with God through prayer or worship then we won't easily go off on a tangent. Sometimes God leads us a way we have never gone before. It's good to check this out, just to be sure it is a “leap of faith” rather than “a leap into the dark”.

Unity of vision and purpose is good.

Conformity is something I would be wary of.

Monday 17 March 2008

leader, signpost, yardstick

Somebody asked me what “leadership type” I was. I guess they were thinking of the management types like “motivator” “initiator” “starter/finisher” and so on.

To be honest I do not see myself as a leader and I would not want to be seen as such.

I totally believe in the order of things that Paul talks about in Corinthians ie the head of man is God and the head of the woman in man. For me this means that a woman does not have authority over men.

Practically a woman might have some responsibilities that affect men, and I know there are women with prophetic giftings but I would not expect a woman to be leading or teaching men. That still leaves loads of scope for women to be leaders of other women or children or to minister in a supporting role.

The other thing is, I am wary of the title “sister leader”. It makes me think of feminist battle axe sisters with issues who need the badge to boost their insecurities and prove they are “as good as the men” (I am deliberately exaggerating here, but I hope you get the point.) A woman of God who has found her place is not weak but strong in her Godly womanhood and right submission.

So... what do I see myself as?

I hope to be an example. I hope my life would be a bit like a signpost that points the way and encourages people it can be done. I am not “famous” but I hope that in being faithful I can help or inspire other people.

One of the things said at my birthday ministry was that somone saw me as a yardstick, and that in some of the choices they made they considered what I would do. I was gob-smacked, blessed and scared by that!

I was gob-smacked by the person who said it 'cos it was not someone I would have expected to say that.

I was blessed that someone did think my example was worth following.

I was scared 'cos it made me realise the effect we can have on other people.

It especially made me think that I need to be careful not to go back on things I have stood for, 'cos you never know who is looking and needing the strength to stand themselves.

So yeah, all in all I want to life this life to the full and encourage others to have a go and come along with we.

love for the world

Loving the world

We are told in the Bible not to love the world, to live in the world and not be a part of it.

Living that out can be quite difficult because there are some ways you cannot avoid interracting with the world and its system, such as: work or business life; shopping (even if “only for essentials”); education; health care and so on.

There is also stuff which is not bad, but might not really be necessary and could be a distraction: newspapers and books; sports and entertainments; music and the radio.

Then there is stuff that is perfectly innocent, but might just show up where your own heart is at: food and nutrition; clothes and fashion; use of leisure; body care and cosmetics.

Some of the things that tempt me include: Body Shop toiletries, Thorntons chocolate, Hagen Das icecream... You get what I mean? The things are not a problem, but the brands speak of “quality” and “luxury” and you find yourself longing after what the world esteems (or what the advertisers promote) rather than being content.

The society we live in has the motto “please yourself, you deserve it” and huge sums of money are spent on luxuries which are obscene. I can't say that by living simply I can sort out the UK homeless problem or Third World debt, but it is important to stand against the greed and selfishness which feeds these problems. People say “there will never be equality in the world, it is against human nature” and we can say “Yes there can be, we are living in community and simplicity and proving it can be done”.

Another reason for not conforming to the standards of the world around us is that there are people who cannot afford to “keep up” and they feel excluded 'cos they don't have the latest fashions or technology. It is good to be able to show by the way we live that these external things are not important to us and to be able to accept people for who they are. If we do not project an image or hide behind things then people can feel free to be themselves too.

Jesus spoke about not worrying about wealth and possessions and did not even have a home to call his own. He was the most approachable, available and accepting person ever. Just maybe being free from the cares of the world and the love of the world was part of made Him that way???

Wednesday 5 March 2008

The way to God

This is a quote I heard recently
“Jesus is the only way to God, but we are not the only way to Jesus”
I want to say I disagree with that.

It is true that Jesus is the only way to God.
He said Himself that He was “The Way, the Truth and the Light”
He also told Philip that “Those who had seen Him had seen the Father”

The bit I disagree with is that we are not the only way to Jesus.
I agree that I personally am not the only way to Jesus. I know my inadequacies and I know there are many people anointed by the Holy Spirit to speak about Jesus and help other's to faith. Anyway, if I was the only way, how would I get there with no-one to show me???

I also agree that our church is not the only way to Jesus. We have a call from God and a particular ministry/distinctive/calling. I do not have a problem with other denominations- churches who are also called by God and fulfil a different ministry or have a different style of worship to our own. God is well big so it would be a tall order for any one church to demonstrate his entire purpose and nature!

I am certain however that the Church in the wide sense of the word is and must be the way to Jesus. The church is described in the Bible as a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden- we must be a light, a beacon, a lighthouse even to shine into the dark and call people into the light.

The church is described as the Body of Christ, and that body must be doing what he would do- must show people to Jesus, to his kingdom, to his Father.
The “great commission” given by Jesus is to go out into all the world to make and baptise disciples. This is to be done by all believers in all true churches in all ages.
The church must not apologise for having the truth or be silent in the face of conflicting “truths”.

There is the thinking that “all paths lead to the top of the mountain”. This is totally untrue.
Right from the beginning God clearly showed people who He was and what He expected from them. Whether it was walking in the garden and instructing which fruit not to eat; or thundering on a mountain and carving the law into stone; or dying on a cross and giving his own body and blood to make us all one.
If we want to chose a path, chose THE path.

There is only way to God, which is Jesus
The church is the way to Jesus. Is the Holy Spirit filled, anointed and united demonstration of Christ to the world- the whole wide world through all history.

what if Jesus had never been born?

I have been lent a book which is a novel about what it would be like if Jesus was born now instead of 2000 years ago.

I have not started to read the book yet, but it made me think. You see, if Jesus had not been born the world would not be at all like it is now. Followers of Jesus and of Christianity (not necessarily the same thing) have had a huge impact on shaping the world as we know it.

If there was no early Church then there would have been no Roman persecution. There would have been no believers spreading across Europe with the message of Jesus. If there was no Jesus there would be no Christianity for Constantine to adopt as the religion of the Roman Empire. So would Rome have carried on with Pagan Gods? What kind of dark stuff would have gone on in the centuries since then.

What about art or music- loads of amazing stuff by amazing people like Leonardo de Vinci, Michael Angelo, Handel, Bach has been commissioned to worship God. What would have been the influences if there was no Jesus?

Fast Forward a good few centuries... many of the significant social reformers were Christians and were influenced by their beliefs: William Wilberforce, Elizabeth Fry and more. Was it just their faith that told them “something is wrong” and made them press for change? Would mankind have a conscience to make the world a better place without the influence of the Holy Spirit in lives dedicated to Jesus?

Thinking about life without Jesus makes me think of a very dark world as much of the influence of God I am aware of has come from Christians but of course, life without Jesus is not the same as life without God or “god”.
What would the influence of other religions have been without Christianity on the scene? Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, New Agers all worship many gods while Muslims and Jews have the same roots as Christians.
If “Jesus the Prophet” was not on the scene would Muhammed have come along? Would Islam be the same as it is now? Would it have become the dominant religion of Europe?
What about the Jews? They are God's chosen people, they are still looking for the Messiah. Would they have become a stronger religion if there was no Jesus?

Anyway... while it is interesting to ponder these things the fact is Jesus did come and does show us the way to live, and I am well glad He came. The challenge is to live our faith in a way that shows Jesus came and proves He is relevant today.

the end of the world

Folk at home have been reading a series of novels about the end of the world. I have an aversion to that topic 'cos when I was growing up, predicting the second coming was a favourite pass time and it never happened. Even if we are not “end-times-orientated” it is thought provoking to consider whether we would be ready if Jesus came back right now. We are supposed to be ready, he warned us in the Bible that he would come suddenly and unexpectedly and we should live our lives ready for him to return at any moment.

There is a song that tries to imagine what it will be like to finally meet Jesus- would you worship? would you fall on your face? would you sing? would you be awestruck?

The thing that made me think about it was.... recently there was a red moon due to an eclipse. There was a red moon a few years ago which did make me feel “oh, is this a sign of the end?” but this time I was not so bothered. I just told myself not to be superstitious about it.

Then the next week there was an earthquake which woke us up in the night. Sorry to say my response and that of my room mate was not “Jesus is coming!” We both swore. (Though once I realised what it was that woke me I did check outside the the graveyard to be sure everything was still “normal” out there before I went back to sleep)

I suppose if it really was the end of the world and the second coming there would be spiritual stuff cracking off, and the Holy Spirit in us would respond to that.
But the fact that my first words were “bleep” rather than “Jesus!” probably means there is something to be sorted out in my heart, cos as it says, “out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks”

I have a good friend who is over 80. He does not look to the second coming so much as to be faithful to the end of his life. I suppose whether Jesus comes for us, or we go to Him, we will all have to give an account of our lives. Which brings me back to making sure we live ready to meet Him at any moment...