Monday 24 September 2007

odd socks

For some months now (probably since about February 'cos that's when I got a load of coloured socks for my birthday) I have worn deliberately odd socks. I know a load of teenagers who do the same as a bit of a fashion statement, but I am not trying to be a teenager.

Socks do the same job whatever colour they are. Some people may be too poor to buy new socks and maybe forced to wear odd ones. Would you think less of them because of that?

To some folk it really matters that all their clothes match. Or they make a real effort to make sure everything fits into a colour scheme. Does it offend your pride if I wear odd socks?

Some people have disfigurements that make everyone stare, or have red hair, or have coloured skin.
Do you cope with people who are different to you? Does it make you uncomfortable?

Sometimes people have huge big arguments about what is right or wrong, but they pick the most petty things to be right or wrong about. Would you rather lose a friend than your opinion?

You might think that if I am wearing odd socks then I must be a bit odd, maybe even eccentric or mental. Do you judge people by their appearance?

Some people like everything done their way, they don't cope with things not being “ the way they should be” or “they way they always are”. They get into a right state when someone does something differently. Do you get insecure when something is different, or not the way you expect it to be?

Thinking about it, there are lots of things that odd socks could provoke you into thinking about, but the fact is the reason why I do it is because it does not really matter wether my socks match or not. This is my way of saying I want to focus on the things that do matter and not on the things that don't.

Friday 21 September 2007

A chance to testify

I was getting a bit down about working in the department I do 'cos we are in the corner in the far end of the warehouse. Other departments have contact with the outside world, they customers or delivery drivers to talk to and we are stuck in our box with no windows.
Anyway, over the summer God really encouraged me about the opertunities I do have.

I had an invite from one of our suppliers to join them in their annual outing- horseracing. It was nice to be asked, but I could not really see myself joining in gambling and drinking with the rest of them. When the rep came to drop in some samples she asked me about it and I kind of squirmed out of it, and though she laughed she did say “I think you are making excuses”

When she rang up to check on the samples I had not done anything with them, and made the excuse that I had been on annual leave- I had been at RAW. Anyway, she asked me what I had been doing, so I took a deep breathe and told her I had been at a church youth event.

She asked which church, and was then genuinely interested when I told her about kingdom businesses and community. She said “so that's why you didn't want to go horseracing” so I had to admit I had been a coward not to tell her about us before. Then she asked “So, what does your boyfriend think about it- I know you've got one 'cos you wear a ring” Time for a deep breath and explain all about celibacy!
I was sat in the office thinking “I don't believe I am having this conversation”

A couple of weeks later a customer was coming to see our marketing manager and called in advance to ask me to go for lunch with him. I deal with him often and find his manner very off-putting- I only cope by pulling faces while I put on a polite phone voice. I hate business lunches with a passion, and with him – no way. Anyway, after the invite he did not mention it again so I hoped he had forgotten.

When he arrived he was over an hour early, and called me on my mobile to explain he was outside and could I show him around. Time for a big fib! “No problem” I said and spent the next hour showing him around and drinking tea and talking about nothing in particular- but at least he had forgotten about lunch- so I thought. As he went into the meeting he said “You haven't forgotten lunch have you?” so I had to madly get some money and find out somewhere to go 'cos I figured the burger bar on the industrial estate would not be apropriate.

As it happens by lunch time he was not in any mood to talk about business and another lady from the same company came with us was.
Its funny how when people are talking about their lives, and ask you about yours all the answers come out “God” and “Church”. They were really interested in what we do and what we are and they got my testimony and the whole “covenant, community, celibacy” thing too. This chap was especially interested in that we are all Christians and that we can offer work to people off the streets, he was asking about our “success rate” and I was proud to be able to tell him about brothers who have come off drink or drugs and are doing really well sorting their lives out.

Anyway, after these amazing conversations I was so encouraged, and then the rep from another company we buy from dropped in. As he was new he asked “so, is this a family business?” and I began to explain how the business is owned by the church and lots of us live in community. Anyway, I think he was a bit freaked out 'cos he had been to visit a company the day before who were also a Christian Community!

I guess the thing about it all is- we do all get more chances to testify to God than we realise. And even if we do not get the chance to do the talking we are part of the testimony other people can tell. I am proud that we are living for what we believe in, and we can tell people “look, it works, here are the people who are doing it with me”