Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Celibacy Testimony- Part Three

Part Three- The Blessings

Well, it has taken me a while to get around to writing about the blessings of celibacy, but that does not mean I am having to scrape the barrel to find them!

The thing with the blessings of celibacy is that the gift is not like a slot machine, it is not like you post so much in and you get so much back out. The gift is a lifestyle thing, and it is a tool or path towards a fulfilled and blessed life, but not a guarantee or a free plane ticket to paradise. This means that the blessings are harder to quantify and identify.

One way to think of the blessings is to think of all the things that I am now doing that I would not be able to do if I was not a celibate. The biggest one is that I work in one of our kingdom businesses and I have quite a responsible job, if had got married the likelihood is that I would have kids by now, and so would not be working any more. Working in the business is one ministry that I would have had to give up to be a wife/mother. Working in the business has also been a big training ground for me, and it gives me the opportunity to input the girls who work in the department, and not being somone who is mega out-going and popular I do really appreciate the contact with people that I would not normally meet.

I would also dare to say that there is an intimacy in worship that a celibate person can reach into that is not the same for a married person. Not that married people do not experience deep and intimate worship, but it will be more so for a celibate person. When I sing “Jesus, you are my first love” or “You are my passion” I really do mean it, and despite what I said about it not being a slot machine, there is a measure that God does honour the sacrifice and especially bless celibates who seek his presence.


Anonymous said...

I would just like to say how much I have enjoyed reading your story and testimony of your life as a celibate... thank you... inspiring reading.

decided said...

glad you enjoyed it- be nice to know who you are :-)

joanne said...

I'll try again... it would only tak emy comment if I left it anonymously... odd huh??

My name is Joanne... and i'm about to join up in style 4 covenant (I live in Scotland)... looking to relocate to Sheffield in the next year or so.

I really have found your words inspiring and a real blessing to read them. Thank you again.