Thursday, 4 December 2008


We were singing this song on Sunday:-

I can hear the sound of a rising generation
Not afraid of love or dreaming of the future
They talk about Jesus and the good things He's done
Fling wide those gates, let's see His Kingdom come...

Then someone returned a book to me with this poem in

The way of God (David Adam from The Glory of Light)

When I walk in the shadows
Unsure of my way
When I fail to see the beauty
Or the wonders about me
Come, Lord, guide me into light
Show me the way to walk in.

Lord, go before me and lead me
Let me follow in your steps
Then let me boldy venture
Rejoicing in all about me
Reveal to me the way of holiness
And the glories of your creation

The line in the song which struck me was "not afraid of love, or dreaming of the future".
When I feel discouraged then I do not feel brave to love. By this I don't mean that I don't love anyone, but I stop taking the risk of reaching out to new people or deepening relationships that have begun.
When I feel encouraged, I easily find inspiration both for the future and for things I am already involved in, I am keen to try things and take risks. Life is exciting when you can see God leading the way.
The poem sums all this up so well. In times of doubt I need God to lead me, to go before me, to give me courage to be brave and to enjoy what is ahead.

Life should have excitement and adventure in it. Not that it can always be like that, 'cos daily routine is obviously routine. But as it says somewhere in the Bible "without vision the people perish".
So, hold fast to your hope, your vision, and encourage each other too 'cos it is often through each other that encouragement or discouragement come

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