Tuesday, 10 July 2007

thoughts about prayer-2

This is another slightly random thought about prayer and praying, which keeps coming back to me...

Do we believe more in the prayer than the God who answers the prayer?

What makes me ask that question?
Well, several things really that I have heard people saying, such as:
"I got some prayer, but it did not work"
"He prayed for me, but he didn't pray properly"
"I won't ask them to pray 'cos it did not work last time"
"I never get healed when she prays"
"I need 'Fred' to pray for me- no-one else is good enough"

There are people with particularly anointed ministries in prayer/healing/intercession/deliverance, and I fully support them. But I do also believe that anyone can pray and God listens to us all

Some of our prayers God does not answer- that's up to Him.
Some of our prayers God answers in a way we do not expect- that's up to Him too.
It is God who answers, and our heart when we pray is the important thing.

I fully believe in praying for people, but I am nervous incase we get superstitous about prayer in itself and don't focus on God who answers.

Do you get what I mean?

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