Tuesday, 3 July 2007


Following on with common questions asked by "the-man-on-the-street". If we all believe in Jesus, why are there so many different kinds of churches, and why do we not get on with each other?

In a basic sense I do not have a problem with denominations in the sense of different churches having a different emphasis in the way they work out the Christian faith. It's cool by me if some are more into missions and others are more into workship. Or if some are more into litergy and structure whilst others are more into body ministry.
I don't believe that any one church can seriously claim to represent the fullness of God in the way they live and worship. God is huge, and I reckon some particularly reflect one side of his character and some another.

So, are there denominations in the Bible? No, but yes also.
The early church did not divide itself up with labels "The First Jerusalem Church of Anointed Believers", "The Church of Anointed Gentiles", "The United Jewish and Gentile True Faith Church" and so on.
But when Paul began to preach to the Gentiles and they received the Holy Spirit, he went up to Jerusalem to check things out with Peter and the apostles, and they agreed that Paul should work with the Gentiles and the others would work with the Jewish believers.
This lines up with what I have said above that there will be a difference emphasis of ministry in different churches.

The problem I have with denominations is when they are used to divide people.
If you have a difference of conscience on issues like ordination of women or baptism of babies, that's cool, find a church whose practice is in line with your beliefs.
(btw... knowing what you believe and what the Bible has to say is a pretty good safe guard against falling in with groups like Chrisatdelphians/Mormons/Jehovah Witnesses who are very similar to true Christianity but with a few critical differences)

But if your issues are to do with which hymn book or style of music to use, or the dress code or other traditions or practices then you probably need to have a check in scripture wether this is something the Bible really does teach about.
Be prepared to put aside your preferences/judgements/opinions- you may even have something to learn from those who are more traditional or more liberal than yourself!

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