Monday, 18 June 2007

what does God look like?

Here is one of the promised questions people often ask......

What does God look like?
Simple answer is we don't know.

In Exodus God showed himself as fire and as smoke.
In other books of the Bible He has been in the wind or an earthquake.
In Revelations there are all sorts of fantastic descriptions, but there is also loads of picture language there which I do not even try to understand and would not take literally.

We know Man was created in God's image so that gives some ground for the pictures of God as a human being.

We know Jesus (who is one part of the God-head) did not have a problem coming to Earth as a man. Jesus was born in to a Jewish family in Israel, so he would have had MiddleEastern skintone and Jewish looks. He would not have been blue eyes and blond hair, but I can understand those painters who portrayed him in a way they could relate to. Same as in Africa you will find pictures of a black Jesus.

The Holy Spirit (another part of the God-head) was seen as a dove at Jesus' baptism.
The Holy Spirit was also seen as tongues of fire at Pentecost.

But... God is omnipresent, so if He is everywhere all the time then He probably is not limited to a shape or form we can recognise and put a label on and say "That's God".

Personally I don't have a problem with not knowing what God looks like, some of the attempts to portray him tend to attract more mockery than worship anyway.

God is Almighty, Eternal, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Awesome...... If we can fit Him into a box He is not God anymore.

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