Monday, 4 June 2007

mummy and the hairdresser and God

My friend Sarah is married to Robert, their daughter is called Emily (well, not quite, I changed their names, just incase they would prefer to be anonymous) Anyway, I had an email from Sarah who told me this story
Robert came home from work and said to Emily "Oh Emily, you've had your hair cut, it looks very pretty, who did it for you?"
Emily replied "Mummy and the hairdresser"
"Really?" asked Robert
"Yes" said Emily. "Mummy made a mess of it and the hairdresser sorted it out"
So, what's the point of the story- apart from the fact that kids are great at showing up their parents?

Well, it made me think how we make a mess of things, but God sorts it out. And it is better to have a go and maybe make a mess than it is to never try.

On Sunday the ministry was about discouragement, that we will always come across things that discourage us, and will always go through periods of discouragement, but it is how we deal with is that matters. We have a big God He is able to help us work things through and sort things out and He has called us to be part of the Body where we can support and encourage and build each other up. So, wether it is a bad hair-cut or feeling totally betrayed, the answer is not to throw in the towel but to go to someone who can help.

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