Monday, 28 May 2012

hmmm #2

Here we go with another "hmmm"

"If you know how to worry, you already know how to meditate."

This was a re-quote someone used in a seminar, and I can't remember who the original person was who said this.

I've done some posts before about meditation, but I still find it hard to spend time thinking on the things of God without getting distracted. Sometimes to be honest I find it hard to concentrate until the end of a song we are singing because I have so many things going around in my head from the day.

There is plenty in the Bible about the kind of things we should be thinking about, here are 2 examples to start with:- Think about whatever is good, Store up God's word in your heart
In Matthew Jesus directly talks about not worrying

So why is it we prefer to worry than meditate?
Surely turning our thoughts Godwards would put things into perspective... and then there would be nothing to worry about!

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