Tuesday, 14 October 2008

a rotten plant

Our room is quite dark, so I have to be careful when I water my plants 'cos if they do not get enough light the water just sits there and they go rotten. That has happened to a couple of plants I had.

On Sunday evening in the meeting I felg God speaking to me about that.
It was like He was pointing out that if we receive the water of the Holy Spirit we need to walk in the light and draw on that water to make us grow.
If we are watered and then sit and do nothing, or go back to things of the darkness, then the water will be like rotteness within us and we will die.

One of the plants that went rotten was a cactus. It would have been quite happy not to have been watered- it is meant to be able to cope with dryness. That kind of said to me that it is better not to receive the Holy Spirit than to be fake about it. If we are real and say "God, I am dry, I need you" then He can work in us and we will drink up the water of the Holy Spirit. If we are not bothered, but think we better go through the motions, then we end up stagnant and that is worse than being dry.

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