Wednesday, 20 August 2008


I have just got back from 2 days away on a pilgrimage to Lindisfarne. Back in February last year I felt a real need to do something to re-affirm my celibacy and to build with celibate sisters around the church. That's when I came up with inspiration to go away to Lindisfarne on the anniversary of my vow and spend some time deliberately with Jesus and other celibates.

Planning it was well scary as I am not someone who normally initiates doing stuff. Also, loads of the people I asked could not make it 'cos there is so much else on in the church in August.
Anyway, we got it sorted, and decided to travel overnight to get there and book a second night at the campsite so that we had two full days plus a day travelling home.

I was so blessed by the sisters I went with, we really found we were of one heart together. We got to do all we wanted to, and no-one was tugging to do something different.
We did not spend a lot of time being deliberately holy, but a lot of our conversation was about God and the church and just sharing our hearts in a naturally spiritual way.

Friday morning I did go down to the beach on my own to spend some time with God. To start with I just wandered along the sand speaking in tongues. Then I started to offer God some of the things I was worried about, and some of the things I felt He was talking to me about.
I went to sit on the edge of the dunes and really felt a strong and affirming presence of God. I felt He was saying "I want to Father you".
I sat there and sobbed and cried out of love for God.
It was very healing.
(and I was so glad there was no-one else about!!!)

Thought it was nice to spend time together I was thinking it would be a shame not to talk to anyone else while we were there.
On Friday we had about three chances to talk to people who asked who we were and what were we up to, and we also got to talk to people on the campsite too before we left on Saturday. Having a Jesus Army painted car does break the ice somewhat!

The scenery on Lindisfarne is so beautiful, so wild and unspoilt.
We also had really good weather- warm enough to go about in a t-shirt and slightly cloudy so no-one got sun burned.
I came away feeling really refreshed and at peace somewhere deep inside.

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