Monday, 21 January 2008

prophetic poetry

Some time ago we were talking at home about how God removes our sins from us “as far as the east is from the west”

This shows how vast God's love and forgivenes is 'cos there is no absolute east or west on the globe, so this is an infinite distance. I was thinking how amazing that is 'cos in the bible times they did not know the world was round. Poetically they could have just as easily said “as far as the north is from the south”, but that would have been a limited amount of forgiveness 'cos there is an absolute north and south. I believe the inspiration for the poetry was from God, which is why they said “east from west”.

This is another examples of how the Bible is scientifically correct in a way beyond the understanding of the time. In Isaiah and in the Psalms there is mention of “the paths of the seas”. This was before America was discovered and in a civilisation whose geography was limited to the Middle East, North Africa and parts of Asia and the Mediterranean. When men first began travelling across the Atlantic for trade they found there were “paths through the seas”- they found that by following the gulf stream they could days off the journey across the Atlantic. So... what made "nice poetry" is scientifically true, and even if they had some knowledge of currents in the seas, they still did not know there was a "path" across the Atlantic.

There are also some amazing descriptions in more than one part of the Bible of how Jesus was to and be crucified - centuries before the Romans came along and invented crucifixion.

That can only be God speaking through the prophets and poets. God who is eternal and was there and beginning of the world and will be there at it's end and is with everyone as they live it out along the way.

If the Bible was just poetry, or superstition, or “OK for simple civilisations” then we would not find revelations like this. The people who wrote the Bible did not have the technology or knowledge we have, so it could only be God who could inspire stuff like this. God who knows that the brain-boxes of our centuary need to be shown that He is God and he knows stuff that is far beyond our intellectual reach.

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