Thursday, 4 October 2007

Difficult Scriptures Intro

Do you ever come across bits in the Bible that you really wish were not there? Or bits that never will make sense, however often you hear someone talk about them in a meeting?

I think there is a tendancy for Christians to focus on the bits they do like or do understand, and kind of hope the rest will go away. As a church we have tried to "do the difficult bits", hence you will find people among us who live in community, or are celibates, or are from the "poor of society". We do believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are real and for today, and the thing that changed the church from a traditional baptist church to what it is today was people praying along the lines "God, if what I read is real then I want to see it happening today"

BUT I don't really think it is good enough to belong to a church that does such things and not make a decent attempt to be reconciled to the hard bits of the Bible personally. I don't think we can do faith second hand.
SO this is the beginning of a series (however long) about the bits of the Bible I find hard...

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