Tuesday, 8 May 2007


It is popular to wear WWJD wristbands, which are supposed to provoke us to think "what would Jesus do?" and then act accordingly.

But Jesus did not live in the UK in the 21st Century, so we can't in practice limit our behaviour to exactly what we read in the Bible. Jesus lived when there was no such thing as electricity or cars or computers or telephones or even books or buttons. The popular quoted answer to this is to "live according to the spirit of the teaching we find in the Bible".

So, how do you get on with these........
  • What would you do if you found £10 in the street
  • How much work time do you spend doing personal (or non work related) things
  • When there is a naff job to be done, do you do it or delegate it?
  • Do you always drive according to the speed limit?
  • Do you ever jump a red light? Or speed up to get through an amber light?
  • Do you always tell the whole truth and the absolute truth in every situation?
And...... do you have any scriptures to back up your answers????

1 comment:

Adrian said...

* What would you do if you found £10 in the street
I would give it to the Jesus Centre

* How much work time do you spend doing personal (or non work related) things

I spend a lot of work time reading blogs...

* When there is a naff job to be done, do you do it or delegate it?

Sometimes I do it but not always.

* Do you always drive according to the speed limit?
I can't drive...

* Do you ever jump a red light? Or speed up to get through an amber light?
If I could drive I probably would speed up.
* Do you always tell the whole truth and the absolute truth in every situation?

Being a buyer I select carefully the truth I tell my suppliers (but I don't lie)

No scriptures to back this up though sorry.