Monday, 17 September 2012

My personal world

I have grown to really dislike "in your ear" type music players. In part it is because I find the whistling and cracking noise annoying and sometimes painful depending on the pitch.

More than that it is because I think it is a symptom of modern independance... It's not just music, so many technical gadjets where we can connect to our own little world by means of technology and exclude everyone else...

People travelling in the same vehicle all plugged into their personal music and not communicating...
People txting continually and not speaking to the people in the same room....
People spending hours on computer games and not spending quality time with people who matter...
People all in the same room staring at the widescreen and no conversation...

We are called to be the body of Jesus. I think that means something closer and deeper than "friending" someone on Facebook.

In our church we aim to be a brotherhood church. I think we need to guard brotherhood. Not just the times we focus on brotherhood, but making the most of all the times we are together and making time to be together more.
I've had some great times of sharing with folk when travelling, or over a meal, or while working on a project together.
We need to learn to be together and to be comfortable in each others company.

There is a song we used to sing:-

"Let us open up ourselves to one another
Without fear of being hurt or turned away
For we need to confess our weaknesses
To be covered by our brother's love
To be real and find our true identity"

There is a very slim chance of finding that openess and vulnerability if we are all living protected by our "personal technology"

Sunday, 16 September 2012

not buying clothes #2

I had another amazing gift from God this week :-)

My trainers have all come in holes over the summer, so I was thinking I needed a new pair before the winter. I'm not sure if I prayed about it or just thought about it. Anyway... I gave a friend a lift home during the week, he works for an outdoor clothing shop. He got into the car carrying a box and said "Do you know anyone who can use these?" It was a pair of posh trainers that a customer had worn and then returned. When I tried them on they were a perfect fit and they are grey/purple which is just my kind of colours too. Being a very good brand I know they will last me well.
I was really really blessed that God had provided, and that He knows me well enough not to send white leather trainers which I really would not want to wear.

I was thinking about this during a meeting recently. How God is willing to provide if only we pause long enough to give Him a chance to do so.
Then I wondered what other areas are there in my life where if only I would pause to wait for God, He would provide.

I mean... I am beginning to realise God's provision and care are not just limited to kitting out my wardrobe.
Maybe if I paused for Him instead of panicking about evengelism I would find His grace to talk to people about my faith.
Maybe if I paused for Him instead of getting stressed things would be more calm at work.
Maybe if I paused for Him and asked for .... whatever.... I would see His provision.
Maybe I should look forward to meeting the new sisters and brothers who are going to move into our house and not fret about the lacks or gaps....

Sunday, 9 September 2012

about celibacy

This is an amazing quote about celibacy:

Celibacy is daring. Choosing to be celibate means giving up earthly security, it means you are free to love Jesus recklessly. It's a massive choice made by us in response to His massive love for us. We do it because we love Him and love what He loves, which is the church.