Sunday, 18 January 2009


This is a tribute to some very good friends of mine:

And also to others much loved and recently lost in our church

You'll have to excuse the pop video. The point is the lyrics
"Life is good, eternal life is better."

However gutted we might feel right now, our hope is to live eternally with God/Jesus in the next life.

However hard it is to keep going, life is short and we must not waste it. We need to live for Jesus while we can so there are no regrets left behind us.

I am blessed that Danny was right with God when he died. He is a brother who has had his struggles and strops, but I can testify that for a year I can only remember I strop. This is something we testified to before he died, not a "happy memory" that I have dredged up since then.
Whenever Danny ministered he would say "I put myself at the front of the queue on this one". Now he has beaten us all to the front of the queue and is with Jesus ahead of us.

Jane was one of those people who probably did not realise just how much she was loved and apreciated. I cannot claim to be one of her close friends, but she offered me an open ear and a supportive shoulder once when I was feeling the need of someone to talk to. I did not take her up on it, which is probably my loss and lack, but I did really appreciate her for that.

I have not known Jerry for years, we lived in Nottingham at the same time. Jerry encouraged me a lot when I was first choosing celibacy because he enjoyed worship and had a mystical streak in him, as I do.