Saturday, 15 November 2008

walking on solid ground

I was listening to this song on a CD in the car on the way home:

"I fall on You because everything else is insecure
I trust in you for You are awesome, yes you are"

This made me think that life is a bit like walking on uneven ground or balancing a beam, where you need someone strong alongside you to lean on, someone who is not going to wobble or fall when you need them.

Then I thought "why walk on the wobbly ground at all?" I mean, if Jesus is standing where the ground is secure, then why not walk arm in arm with Him?
If I was going for a walk with someone, I would prefer to be alongside them, maybe even arm in arm with them, rather than concentrating on the balancing act of picking my own wobbly path.

Saturday, 8 November 2008

the mystery of redemption

I have been having a bit of a theological discussion with someone recently, it was provoked mostly by this verse from the hymn "and can it be"

’Tis mystery all: th’Immortal dies:
Who can explore His strange design?
In vain the firstborn seraph tries
To sound the depths of love divine.
’Tis mercy all! Let earth adore,
Let angel minds inquire no more.

To me this seems like, until Jesus had died, angels did not understand redemption.
This was explained to be quite right, because angels are in heaven where there is no sin, so they do not know the pain of separation from God caused by sin.

Somehow Satan did sin, and God had to throw him out of heaven. There is no redemption for fallen angels. I don't understand why not, but maybe having once been in heaven there is no excuse for sin, and no redemption possible.

Anyway... if the angels (and satan) now see that mankind has been redeemed by Jesus, I guess that is why satan opposes us so much? He once knew heaven, but now knows his end is eternal destruction. God's grace to fallen humanity must be the most horrible thing to him as he cannot share in it.

Acquired by God

My friend's husband was baptised tonight, it has taken him a long time to make this decision so it was a very meaningful and much prayed for occasion.
In the afternoon I txt someone about this, but when I entered "baptised" on predictive txt it came up with "acquired".
I thought this was very apt. He has been acquired by God. He has transfered. He no longer belongs on the other side any more and now belongs fully to the Kingdom of God.
That is awesome.